Pharos® Animal Health
Committed to improving the health and well-being of pets.Consilium™ Ear Cleanser
All-natural ear cleanser to safely and effectively keep ear canals healthy in dogs and cats.
Proven to help effectively manage ear infections and eliminate ear mite infestations.
Easy to apply to the ear canal with the 1-oz. bottle size that fits any hand size and is easily controlled for administration by the pet owner.
Best ear cleanser available today for dissolving and removing ear wax.
Safe to use daily or as needed.
Pleasant scent post-cleaning of the ear canal.
Provides additional benefits after using to clean the pet’s ears…leave some residual liquid in the ear canal to help keep it clean.
Cleanser will visibly dissolve the ear wax making it simpler and easier to clean.
Safer ear cleanser to use with pets compared to other ear cleaners.